How to Set Up a Secure Network for Wireless Scanners and Printers

Security is everything in today’s digital era, and security in your business is key! Wireless scanners and printers are often overlooked when thinking about security. However, a compromised network could lead to data breaches, financial loss, and damaged reputation. This guide will walk you through how to set up a secure network for wireless scanners and printers, protecting your business operations.

Why Wireless Security Matters…

Wireless devices like scanners and printers open up numerous opportunities but also introduce vulnerabilities. Security breaches often result from unsecured networks, which allow unauthorized access to sensitive data. When you secure your network, you’ll safeguard not only your company's information but also maintain the integrity of your hardware overall saving you money!

9-Step Guide to Setting Up a Secure Network

1. Understand Your Network Needs

Before configuring a secure network, assess your specific needs. Consider the number of wireless devices, expected data flow, and who will need access to the network.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • “How many wireless scanners and printers will you be connecting?”

  • “Will these devices be used across multiple departments or locations?”

  • “Are there any compliance regulations your business must follow?”

This understanding ensures that the network is designed with scalability in mind and is secure from the ground up.

2. Invest in a Reliable Wireless Router

Your router is the heart of your wireless network. It is the most vital aspect when it comes to security! Choosing one with advanced security features can drastically reduce vulnerabilities. Modern routers offer encrypted communication, guest networking, and firewalls that act as a first line of defense.

The essential router features you should look for:

  • WPA3 Encryption: This is the most secure form of encryption available for Wi-Fi. It ensures data between your wireless scanners, printers, and other devices remain secure.

  • Firewall Capabilities: Ensure your router has an integrated firewall to block unwanted access.

  • Regular Firmware Updates: Choose a router from a reliable manufacturer that offers regular firmware updates to address potential vulnerabilities.

3. Enable Network Encryption (WPA3)

Encryption scrambles the data transmitted over your wireless network, making it difficult for unauthorized users to intercept and decipher it. WPA3 is the latest encryption standard, providing more robust security than its predecessors. Enabling WPA3 on your router is essential for protecting your wireless printers and scanners from potential hackers.

How to Enable WPA3:

  1. Log into your router’s admin console.

  2. Navigate to the wireless security settings.

  3. Select WPA3 as the encryption method, or WPA2 if WPA3 is not available.

  4. Apply the changes and restart your router.

4. Set Up a Dedicated Network for Your Wireless Devices

To minimize risk, create a separate network for your wireless scanners and printers. A dedicated network, often referred to as a segmented network, prevents these devices from accessing sensitive data on your main network while still allowing them to perform essential functions.

Benefits of Network Segmentation:

  • Minimizes Risk: If a device on the wireless network is compromised, it won’t affect other systems.

  • Improves Performance: By segmenting your network, you reduce congestion, ensuring faster and more reliable connections.

  • Easier to Manage: Troubleshooting is simplified when you know which devices are isolated on specific network segments.

5. Change Default Passwords

One of the most overlooked security measures is changing the default passwords on wireless printers and scanners. Many devices come with factory-set credentials, which are often widely known and easily exploited by hackers.

Password Best Practices:

  • Use Strong, Unique Passwords: Choose a password that is at least 12 characters long, with a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols.

  • Change Passwords Regularly: Ensure your team changes passwords periodically, ideally every three to six months.

  • Implement Two-Factor Authentication: Where possible, enable two-factor authentication (2FA) to add an additional layer of security.

6. Utilize MAC Address Filtering

Every wireless device, including scanners and printers, has a unique MAC (Media Access Control) address. By enabling MAC address filtering on your router, you can limit which devices are allowed to connect to your network, blocking unauthorized access.

Steps to Enable MAC Address Filtering:

  1. Access your router’s settings.

  2. Find the option for MAC address filtering under network security.

  3. Manually input the MAC addresses of your wireless devices.

  4. Save the settings to activate filtering.

7. Update Firmware and Drivers Regularly

Outdated firmware and drivers are among the top reasons for network security vulnerabilities. Manufacturers often release updates to patch security holes, so it’s crucial to keep both your routers and wireless devices, such as printers and scanners, up to date.

How to Ensure Regular Updates:

  • Enable Automatic Updates: Check if your router and devices support automatic updates.

  • Schedule Manual Updates: If automatic updates aren’t available, make a habit of checking for new firmware or driver versions every quarter.

8. Monitor Your Network Traffic

Regular monitoring of your network traffic helps you detect any unusual activity that could indicate a potential security breach. Many routers come with built-in tools to monitor traffic or allow integration with third-party security software.

Tools for Network Monitoring:

  • Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS): These tools alert you when suspicious activity is detected on your network.

  • Bandwidth Monitoring: Track bandwidth usage to identify any abnormal spikes in traffic, which could be a sign of a network breach.

  • Log Reviewing: Regularly check logs for failed login attempts, unusual IP addresses, or unknown devices attempting to access your network.

9. Set Up a Guest Network

For businesses that regularly host visitors, it’s wise to create a guest network. This ensures that third-party users don’t have access to your internal wireless network, reducing the risk of unauthorized access to your scanners and printers.

Guest Network Setup:

  • Create a Separate SSID: Set up a secondary network with its own password.

  • Limit Access: Restrict guest network users to internet access only, preventing them from accessing your internal devices.

  • Set Expiry Times: For added security, configure the guest network to automatically disable after a set period.

Got Questions?

When it comes to your business security is no laughing matter. Investing in the proper equipment and following these 9 steps will help safeguard your wireless scanner and printer allowing you to operate with peace of mind knowing your assets are protected.

If you have any further questions feel free to fill out the quick form today and one of our experts will be in touch with you!


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