
Seagull Scientific Bartender is the worlds leading software for labeling applications. 

When comparing Seagull Bartender labeling software there are two base level choices – Starter and Professional. Which do I need? This overview describes what you main gain using Bartender 2021 Professional Version, and is not to convince you to pay the extra money. We highlight the main differences of the two software options. 


The Right Choice - Starter or Professional?

How Many Different Labels Will Be Created?
More than 5 labels?  Professional will save on confusion, errors, time, and rework.

What Type of Data File?  How Many Records?
Using Professional and full databases is faster, more flexible, multi-user, and allows BarTender to update records.  This saves time, errors, and overall cost.

Is Label Printing Batch only?  Or includes On-Demand?
Professional supports dynamic labels that can be printed faster, with fewer errors, and used by anyone, not just knowledgeable users.  Saves time, mistakes, and money.

Need ePrinting?  Plan to Expand? Electronic Tags?
Use Professional when Consistent ePrinting, Open-Ended Deployments, or Electronic (RFID/SmartCard/Mag Stripe) Printing are essential.


How Many Different Labels Will Be Created?

BarTender Starter (under 5)

BarTender Professional (over 5)

Limitation Impact Feature/Ability Impact
Each Label has it’s own Template file Lots of files: Confusion More File Management Common changes to have repeated Intelligent Templates One template can handle multiple different labels, reducing the number of files, confusion, time to manage
Use must manually select the right template Can pick similar but wrong label Intelligent Templates Labels change to match data Can have one Template support many labels, reduce chance for errors
Any graphic changes must be done manually, one file at a time Changing brand, product images, advertising artwork done by hand is time-consuming and error-prone Dynamic graphic support Real-time selection and importing of graphics Updating a single graphic file can update many/all labels that use it

More than 5 labels?  Professional will save on confusion, errors, time, and rework.


What Type of Data File? How Many Records?

BarTender Starter

(CSV/Excel & < 100 records)

BarTender Professional

(Databases or Online Records or 100+ records)

Limitation Impact Feature/Ability Impact
Can only use Excel or a CSV file Limited Search Read-only Large Excel/CSV files are difficult to mod/maintain Full database support Can search, replace, update, add, delete Most include auto-backup abilities
No access to online data files Cannot use common online data resources Limited to PC only sources Support for Google Sheets, Online Excel, and QuickBooks Online Can use shared data. One data source can support multiple BarTender Licenses Supports mobile use
Excel files allow access by only one user at a time Encourages multiple copies of a single data file - which can cause many different problems Regular database supports multiple multiple user and access (BT Pro includes MS SQL Express) Can support many simultaneous users (e.g., one person entering data, two others doing label prints...)
Can’t share template without sharing data file (see above) Can share data either Online, or through embedding the table in the BTW file Easier, more secure mobile use Simpler, more reliable sharing of BTW files

Using Professional and full databases is faster, more flexible, multi-user, and allows BarTender to update records. This saves time, errors, and overall cost.


Is Label Printing Batch only? Or includes On-Demand?

BarTender Starter (under 5)

BarTender Professional (over 5)

Limitation Impact Feature/Ability Impact
Any changes must be made manually, object by object More than a few data updates or more than a few times a month is time consuming and error-prone Data Entry Forms to control data changes and print triggering Faster, easier data changes and printing. Reduced errors through data validation. Can be set up as a Kiosk app
Cannot use attached devices for data (camera, scale, barcode scanner) Restricts usage or requires manual entry of real-time data, increasing error rates and time Support for attached cameras, scales, and scanners in Data Entry Forms Faster, more reliable printing by reducing manual latency and human data entry error. Can be used as point-of-data collector.
Label changes prior to printing requires BarTender to be open to people with edit authority Changing brand, product images, advertising artwork done by hand is time-consuming and error-prone Kiosk-mode of Data Entry Forms Can limit users to print only. Can setup BT Template in Kiosk mode Little or no training required

Professional supports dynamic labels that can be printed faster, with fewer errors, and used by anyone, not just knowledgeable users.  Saves time, mistakes, and money.


Serial Numbers? ePrinting? Electronic Tags?

BarTender Starter

BarTender Professional

Limitation Impact Feature/Ability Impact
Limited PDF printing Have to pick & load 3rd party PDF engine. All PDF changes must be done manually Integrated BarTender PDF engine Consistency - same PDF engine means the same results! Intelligent/Automated changes via BarTender Controls
Supports only 3 printers (including PDF engines) Not possible to expand without another Starter license Support of 1+ printers Support 2+ printers. Can grow printer count as needed
Limited to simple (+1) serialization Cannot create valid UIDs per government/industry standards Full alphanumeric/multi-factor serialization. Full UID support Serialized values contain multiple, discrete pieces of information = Compliance with gov/industry regs
No Electronic/Magnetic Coding Need separate program to encode RFID tags, SmartCards, or Magnetic Stripe cards Can be used for advanced shipping and tracking labels, Security control, & key/cashless scenarios file Can encode RFID, SmartCards, and MagStripe cards Can be used for advanced shipping and tracking labels, Security control, & key/cashless scenarios

Use Professional when Serial Numbers, consistent ePrinting, using Multiple Printers, or Electronic (RFID/SmartCard/Mag Stripe) Printing are essential.


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How to create print-ready files for commercial label printing


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